Matt reports that his first full week in Prague was a success, and was spent going to class and exploring.  In regard to his first week at Charles University in Prague, he mentions that his classes are longer and later in the day.  This is kind of a change of pace from what he’s accustomed to, saying “classes are long” and that he’s “[more] used to morning classes”.  However, he does state that his classes are really interesting so far.  When he’s not in class, Matt reports that he’s been exploring as much of Prague as he can.  “At first, I was really lost.  As I’ve spent more time exploring, I’ve been able to navigate through the city a lot better”.

Last Friday, following the completion of his first week of classes, Matt and his two roommates decided to take a trip up to Berlin, Germany by train “to see all it had to offer”.  Unfortunately, Matt’s experience on the train there and back was not as comfortable and relaxing as he expected.  Saying that “the seating area [on the train] was really small and very hot”.  That said, Matt still claims that his time in Berlin was well worth the less than ideal train experience.

Matt’s first impression of Berlin was that it was a huge town and “[he] had no clue how to get around”.  Fortunately, he still managed to experience a lot while he was there.  A few things that Matt recalls seeing in Belin were the Berlin Clock, the Berlin Wall, the Mercedes-Benz Headquarters, and even a festival a few streets away from their apartment.

Matt also seems to have become a fan of Airbnb, an app/website-based service that allows users to rent lodging accommodations to other users, commenting that “Airbnb lets you rent out really nice apartments for a great price”.

Next week, we’ll check back in with Matt to see what other interesting things he’s been up to.  So be sure to come back for an update!

Matt’s Photos

Prague Castle (Europe’s Largest Castle) – Built in 850 AD     

Berlin Clock

Picture of a Ferrari from the near by festival

Berlin Wall

Mercedes-Benz Headquarters