Black Entrepreneurs, Inc. is an organization which wholeheartedly believes in the power of Black ingenuity and leadership. We believe so much in the professional potential of the Black community, specifically our students (future entrepreneurs), that we strive to do all that we can to ensure that their potential does not go unrealized. One of the ways to help ensure this is by actively investing in those in the Black community who possess great talent and potential early on. By investing, we are sacrificing our own time and money for a significantly better outcome in the future. It is necessary that we invest with both time and money, because simply investing with one of these things alone is not enough for us to accomplish our mission and realize our vision.
Work Together to Foster Change
However, we can only invest so much time and money ourselves. This is why we are looking for Sponsors that believe in our mission and share our vision. By having Sponsors that are also willing to sacrifice their own time and money to support our students (future entrepreneurs), we can all accomplish our shared aspirations for the Black community sooner and on a grander scale.
Make An Impact Today
The fastest way to have an impact and become a Sponsor for BE is to donate to our organization. To donate to Black Entrepreneurs, Inc. today, please visit our Donate Now page. We humbly appreciate any support you have to offer. Please feel free to browse our site and learn more about the great cause in which your donations are supporting.
501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organization
We are an official tax exempt non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Thus, your contributions to our organization will be deductible for federal income tax purposes. So, not only will you as a Sponsor have supported an exceptional organization and (most importantly) its students, but you will also have earned a tax deduction with each contribution!

See the world, BE the future
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