Although hard to believe, Matt is already in the midst of his fourth week in Prague.  He’s had quite the journey so far!  Not only has he been busy working hard on his studies and coursework, but Matt’s weekends could hardly be described as dull!  With activities including train rides to Berlin, followed by world renowned cathedrals in Budapest, it’s clear that he’s been getting his fill of some intriguing and unique European culture.

Week four into his study abroad program, Matt finds himself (understandably) experiencing a touch of homesickness.  Surprisingly, one thing that reminds him of home is the weather in Prague.   Varying in hot and cool days, Matt notes that it is very similar to that of the springtime in his own home state of Kansas.  Despite this bit of nostalgia, he assures us that Prague is most definitely the place he wants to be.  One thing’s for sure, Matt’s studies are certainly keeping him busy enough to take his mind off missing home, as he continues to work with diligence towards his schoolwork.  His demanding summer semester is well underway.  He has been creating multiple presentations while also preparing for upcoming tests with some intense study sessions.  We applaud his hard work, and wish him luck in his approaching exams. No doubt his efforts and determination will pay off!

With all that hard work, Matt was ready for a restful weekend filled with a chance to relax and catch up on some much needed sleep.  He decided to remain in Prague for his fourth weekend abroad.  Matt admits that it was nice to unwind and recoup.  With so much to see and do, Matt couldn’t remain idle for long!  After a good night’s sleep, he was recharged enough to take a visit to the Charles Bridge.  This famous and historic bridge, commissioned by King Charles IV in 1357, crosses the Vltava River in Prague.  Lined by 16 arches and 30 Baroque statues of religious figures, the 621 meter long bridge is often considered to be one of the most astonishing civil gothic-style structures in the world.  Matt found the bridge interesting, but also very crowded.  Although it took quite a long time to actually get onto the Charles Bridge (due to all the tourists also clamoring for a view), he considered it well worth the wait!  Matt was also looking forward to exploring the Petřín Lookout Tower, a steel tower in Prague which closely resembles the Eiffel Tower.  But with all that walking around the Charles Bridge, he found himself worn out, and decided to save this excursion for another time in the very near future. 

Surrounding Streets of Charles Bridge

 Charles Bridge

After this past weekend of relaxation, Matt is ready for more adventures abroad!  We’ll see you back here next week, as Matt discovers and explores one of the world’s most influential cities in the world, Barcelona, Spain!